confessions of a whore at a wedding

confession: i have a healing mission to cry as many happy tears as possible because by the end of my life i’m hoping the happy tears have surpassed the weight and frequency of sad tears by at least double. i cry at weddings. i cry at weddings that i happen upon accidentally on the beach or at california spanish missions. i pause. i watch with quiet eyes and open heart. i cry. i send silent blessings to the couple with my happy tears. almost two weeks ago i cried a record number of happy tears when the poetess married her perfect partner. i didn’t bother with tissue. i dropped too many tears to sop up with tissue. i let all the tears course down my cheeks and beamed love at the couple with my wet-faced grinning. the newlyweds have journeyed through their individual hells, are creating new lives together, and continuously grow in love with one another. i pour happy tears on tap every time love wins!

confession: my preference for wedding attire as a guest is a tutu… but for very special wedding occasions i wear a sexy red dress. “only whores wear red to a wedding” according to conventional wisdom from the lips of a grand dame and i love fronting as a whore in a red dress at a wedding.

confession: i fantasize about weddings i’ll never have. my current favorite fantasy wedding i’ll never have looks very similar to a dance rave in a barn during the harvest moon. i’m also currently fantasizing about a wedding i hope i’ll someday have. in the meantime, let there be more half-naked dancing in altered states. let’s rave, y’all.

confession: i miss you the moment my arms release you from a hug goodbye.

confession: some mornings i wake to the sound of your laughter in my dreams.

confession: listening to your voice, talking, singing, laughing…reminds me that everything is already alright.

About angel joy

love is an action verb. i live love in action.
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1 Response to confessions of a whore at a wedding

  1. Robyn says:

    I’d go to a harvest moon barn rave 😎

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